Morals and Attitudes for Required Practicing Chinese Martial Arts

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Children's Kung Fu Salt Lake City Utah Master Lu's Health Center

Chinese martial arts is for all ages to develop focus, discipline, physical fitness, coordination, and balance. When we teach Kung Fu at Master Lu’s Health Center, we will teach and help students instill these morals within their lives. These attributes can be developed throughout your lives even if you don’t continue to practice Kung Fu.

We have classes for both children and adults. Children will benefit from learning Kung Fu and will learn discipline, focus, coordination, physical fitness, and will have fun!

These attributes and morals were written in Grandmaster Yin Chian Ho’s Tai Chi Sword book.

Morals and Attitudes Required for Practicing Chinese Martial Arts

By Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin 尹千合宗师

  1. Sincerity: 诚意

When you practice Chinese martial Arts, you have to be honest, sincere and faithful. Value solemnity. Don’t be boastful. Don’t be haughty. Confucius said, “Those who are not solemn don’t have dignity. If you study, you can avoid hardening yourself.”

  • Respect: 尊敬

When you meet people, you have to pay them respect. If you respect others, others also respect you. It is very important to be humble, polite, and to treat others with cordial attitude. Don’t curry favor with people nor flatter them; this is improper.

  • Serenity:

When you practice Chinese martial arts, you have to calm your mind and compose yourself. Keep your temper and peaceful. Don’t be fierce or ferocious. Display dignity. Don’t disregard or mock others. Brutal behavior is the most shameful. It is important when you make physical contact with people or things to be gentle.

  • Fairness: 公平

When you practice Chinese Martial Arts, you have to deal with all with justice and fairness. Don’t be selfish. Don’t hold a bias against anybody. Don’t treat anybody with favor. Have strength and be strong, bowing before neither authority nor power.

  • Diligence:

When you practice Chinese Martial arts, it is vital to practice diligently every day. Work hard. Don’t be lazy. Don’t slack up. Don’t be idle. There is a saying, “If you plug away at something every day, you will master it as a result. If you indulge yourself in pleasure, you will never get a good result.” If you practice Chinese martial arts diligently, your skills will automatically improve.

  • Righteousness: 正义

When you practice Chinese martial arts, you have to possess a righteous spirit and courage. There is a saying, “If you know what is right to do, but you fail to do it, you don’t have courage.” Another saying is, “Righteousness means taking the right action.: Do what is righteous and justified. Have the courage to do what you have to do, and the courage not to do what you must not. On any occasion, don’t indulge in corrupt behavior.

  • Kindness:

When you practice Chinese martial arts, you have to have kindness. Be kind and cherish people and things. Be generous and tolerant to others. Have a good heart.

  • Loyalty: 忠诚

When you practice Chinese martial arts, you have to stop fighting for yourself. The most shameful fighting is for yourself or out of a sense of malice. Devote yourself and be loyal to your country and use your martial arts’ skill for the betterment of the country and the people.

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Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.

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