Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City is a Chinese medical clinic that practices all aspects of Chinese medicine including acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy. Chinese medicine is a complete medical system that diagnoses and treats disease. It has been used for over 3,000 years and has shown to be a viable form of health care. One aspect of Chinese medicine that we don’t hear much about here in the West is Chinese herbs. There are thousands of Chinese herbs that help with many different health conditions. One Chinese herb that is very common is huang qi or astragalus.
Huang qi is categorized as a supplementing qi or boosting qi herb. That means that it will help you improve your energy levels, and improve the function of your organs overall. Huang qi is a sweet and slightly warm herb. It will enter into the spleen and lung channels. Huang qi grows throughout China, especially in the northern most regions of China.
There are many different functions for huang qi. The following are some the most common functions and indications for huang qi:
As you can see there are several functions of huang qi. How is it used when there are so many different functions and indications for this herb? The beauty of Chinese medicine is that it focuses on balance. Chinese herbs are used in formulas that are balanced and used for specific Chinese medical diagnosis. Huang qi will be part of Chinese herbal formulas. There are many different formulas that will use huang qi for very specific Chinese medical diagnosis. For example, huang qi is used in a formula called Yu Ping Feng San. This formula is good for allergies and recurrent colds. It will help with the immune system and improve your energy. Huang qi alone may help a little, but it works better when there is a formula involved.
Chinese herbs are a lifetime study and practice. They are utilized throughout the world and have shown to be effective. Huang qi is a wonderful herb for many different health conditions.
If you would like to learn how Chinese herbs may help you improve your health please give us a call today at Master Lu’s Health Center.