Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has been around for over 3000 years. Chinese medicine is a complete medical system to diagnose and treat disease. Throughout history Chinese medicine has been shown to be an effective form of medicine. For over 40 years, Master Lu’s Health Center in Salt Lake City has been helping people with various health conditions such as low back pain, knee pain, neck pain, stress, and anxiety utilizing acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Though Chinese medicine has been around for so long, recently there has been more scientific research being done. Most of the research done has been for acupuncture. Recently, the Austrailian and Chinese Medicine Association did a study called acupuncture evidence project. The project showed several health conditions that acupuncture has been proven to be effective for. Some of the top conditions that acupuncture has been shown to help are migraine headaches, allergies, chemo induced nausea and vomiting, chronic low back pain, tension and chronic headaches, postoperative pain, and post operative nausea. The acupuncture evidence project shows and demonstrates the evidence that acupuncture works.
Among the top health conditions with strong evidence of effective most of the conditions are pain conditions. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine is effective for pain. We treat low back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and arthritis all of the time. You can argue that one of the main reasons someone comes to see us is because of low back pain. Why is acupuncture and Chinese medicine so effective with pain?
Whenever there is no free flow there is pain. Acupuncture will improve blood flow and circulation to help with the pain. The blood flow will facilitate your body’s self healing mechanisms. Acupuncture will also act on the brain releasing different chemicals, hormones, neurotransmitters, and endorphins to promote your body’s self- healing mechanisms.
At Master Lu’s Health Center, we specialize in pain management. We treat a variety of pain problems such as tendonitis, knee pain, bac pain, neck pain, and arthritis. Acupuncture will help you with your pain problems. It will help you feel pain free and improved energy.
Take a look at the acupuncture evidence project. You can see the scientific evidence that acupuncture is effective. If you have been having problems with pain and would like to look into acupuncture, feel free to call us anytime to schedule an appointment at Master Lu’s Health Center.