In a study published by the Journal of Sleep Medicine showing acupuncture is safe and effective treatment for insomnia sufferers. There was 72 patients that composed the group with primary Insomnia. The patients were given 3 treatments for
There is a serious health crisis that is effecting more than 12 million children in the US alone, in the world there is an estimated 42 million children effected by obesity. When looked at by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), obesity is d
People have been practicing Chinese medicine for over 3,000 years. The medicine is practiced not only in China, but all around the world. Chinese medicine has helped people with many different health ailments, and has shown to be effect
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine has been shown to treat many different health conditions. It is a complete medical system for diagnosing and treating disease. One area that acupuncture has been shown to help with is substance abuse.
An article published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, substantiates the usage of acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal formulations can help in the treatment of obesity and weight loss. The article reviewed four clin
Acupuncture is effective for treating the signs and symptoms of HIV. Many of these tips can help you build your energy and immune system even if you don't have HIV. Take a look at these tips. If you need acupuncture treatments to help you with si
In a study conducted and published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information and in conjunction with the National Institute for Health, patients suffering from lung cancer showed improvements in several areas after being treated
Master Lu has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts for over 40 years. He was one of the first Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Utah. He was trained in Taiwan in both Acupuncture and Chinese martial arts mainly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Old Yang Style Tai Chi. Master Lu was also twice national champion for full contact fighting in Taiwan.